Diatetics and Life Style Naturheilpraxis St.Gallen Hinterberg



 Dietetics and Lifestyle at Naturheilpraxis St. Gallen Hinterberg are integral components of our holistic approach to health. Our focus extends beyond mere nutrition to encompass a comprehensive strategy that includes movement and lifestyle, aligned with the principles of Traditional European Natural Healing (TEN).

Nutrition in Dietetics and Lifestyle

  • Individual Adaptation: At Naturheilpraxis St. Gallen Hinterberg, we emphasize a diet tailored to individual needs and the balance of bodily humors.
  • Temperature and Taste: Our approach to Dietetics and Lifestyle considers the thermal properties and taste of foods according to humoral medicine principles.
  • Seasonal and Regional Foods: We prioritize fresh, seasonal, and local products to support the body’s natural cycles in our Dietetics and Lifestyle practices.

Movement in Dietetics and Lifestyle

  • Adaptation to Humoral Principles: At Naturheilpraxis St. Gallen Hinterberg, we select exercise types that promote the balance of bodily humors. For example, we recommend calm, harmonious movements for those with an excess of black bile.
  • Promotion of Circulation: Our Dietetics and Lifestyle strategies include exercises that improve circulation to support blood balance.
  • Consideration of Individual Needs: Exercise plans are customized based on individual physical conditions and temperaments at Naturheilpraxis St. Gallen Hinterberg.

Lifestyle in Dietetics and Lifestyle

  • Stress Management: Dietetics and Lifestyle at Naturheilpraxis St. Gallen Hinterberg integrate stress management strategies to maintain humor balance.
  • Sleep Hygiene: We emphasize the importance of quality sleep as a crucial aspect of our Dietetics and Lifestyleapproach for regulating bodily humors.
  • Hygiene and Cleansing: Our practices include promoting cleansing methods, such as baths or sauna sessions, that support humor balance as part of our Dietetics and Lifestyle.

Individual Adaptation

  • Holistic Approach: At Naturheilpraxis St. Gallen Hinterberg, we consider Dietetics and Lifestyle as integral components of a holistic health strategy.
  • Personalized Plans: Our naturopaths create customized dietetic and lifestyle plans that address all aspects of your needs and conditions.

Goal of Dietetics and Lifestyle at Naturheilpraxis St. Gallen Hinterberg

The goal of Dietetics and Lifestyle at Naturheilpraxis St. Gallen Hinterberg is to help individuals achieve a balanced life by harmonizing nutrition, movement, and lifestyle with their unique constitution. This personalized approach supports long-term health and overall well-being.