God, grant me the serenity to change the things I can, courage to accept the things I cannot change, and wisdom to know the difference. (Reinhold Niebuhr)




In my work, empathy and creativity merge into a continuous flow of development. Through my deep and connected way of working, I blend your unique mosaic of information, individual stories, as well as my observations and perceptions. My goal is to uncover the common core of your issues. In this process, I use therapies tailored to your constitution to bring you back into balance and introduce a new dimension into your life. Nature heals, natural medicine shows the way we follow together until you feel ready to continue independently.


Since 2020 approval from the Department of Health St. Gallen

Since 2020 registered with EMR

Health insurance recognition for complementary/alternative medicine in supplementary insurance


Since 2020: Practice of Traditional European Naturopathy  in Naturheilpraxis Hinterberg, self-employed

Since 2020: Reflexology therapist

2018 - 2020: Reflexology therapist training, Rapperswil CH

2014 - 2018: Traditional European Medicine Practitioner Training, Naturheilpraktikerin TEN, Rapperswil CH


Additional education:


Anthroposophic medicine, elimination, detoxification, strengthening, Institute for Integrative Natural Healing NHK, Zurich

Minea holistic massage, Medical School St. Gallen

Astro-medicine, Institute for Integrative Natural Healing NHK, Zurich

World of the intestinal microbiome, digestion, NHK Zurich, Institute for Integrative Natural Healing

KPU/HPU metabolism disorders

TEN Congress Hormones in Medicine

TEN Congress Fibromyalgia - syndrome / fatigue