Detoxification and elimination therapies for removing toxins from the body - naturheilpraxis st.gallen hinterberg

In Traditional European Naturopathy (TEN), detoxification and elimination play a crucial role in restoring inner balance and promoting health. These principles are based on the belief that a variety of complaints and illnesses stem from the accumulation of toxins in the body.


Detoxification and elimination can be achieved through various methods aimed at freeing the body from harmful substances and supporting its natural excretory processes. Some methods of detoxification and elimination include cupping therapy, leech therapy, and hydrotherapy, which aim to remove toxins from the body by stimulating the skin or circulatory system.


Furthermore, various organs are specifically supported to enhance their excretory functions. The liver, as a central detoxification organ, can be strengthened through the use of liver-supporting plants such as milk thistle or artichoke. The colon also plays a crucial role in eliminating toxins, so methods such as enemas or increasing fiber intake to promote colon health are often recommended.

Homeopathic and anthroposophic complex remedies are also frequently used to support detoxification and elimination. These remedies may contain a variety of active ingredients that work synergistically to support the body's natural detoxification processes while promoting vitality and well-being.


Another important approach to detoxification and elimination is orthomolecular medicine. This involves the use of nutrients in therapeutic doses to support the body's detoxification processes and promote cellular health. This may include the intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help neutralize and eliminate toxins from the body.


It is important to emphasize that detoxification and elimination should be individually tailored and may not be suitable for everyone. Before beginning a detoxification therapy, it is advisable to consult a qualified naturopathic practitioner or physician to receive appropriate treatment tailored to specific needs and health goals.


Fasting is another method of detoxifying the body and has been practiced for centuries in various cultures and traditions. During fasting, one refrains from solid food for a specific period or consumes only very limited amounts. Fasting allows the body to draw upon its own reserves for energy and can activate detoxification processes in the body.


There are various types of fasting, including:


Water fasting: Drinking only water while completely avoiding solid food. Water fasting can be conducted for a period ranging from several days to several weeks.

Partial fasting: During certain periods, one abstains from specific foods or food groups, such as animal products or processed foods. This fasting method can be customized and allows for some flexibility in terms of diet.

Tea fasting: Drinking various types of tea, such as herbal tea, green tea, or ginger tea, while avoiding solid food. Tea can help detoxify the body and stimulate metabolism.

Juice fasting: Consuming only freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juices. These juices provide nutrients and energy while the body detoxifies.

Intermittent fasting: Alternating between eating periods and fasting periods. Popular methods include the 16/8 fast, where one fasts for 16 hours daily and eats within an 8-hour window, or the 5:2 fast, where fasting is done for two days a week while eating normally on the other days.

The F.X. Mayr Cure is a special form of fasting named after Austrian physician Dr. Franz Xaver Mayr. This cure is based on the principles of Mayr Medicine, which emphasizes a holistic approach to digestive system health. The main goal of the F.X. Mayr Cure is to cleanse the digestive tract, improve intestinal health, and thereby promote overall body well-being.


Various detoxification processes are activated in the body during fasting. For example, during fasting, the body may increase its use of fat reserves for energy, leading to the elimination of fat-soluble toxins. Additionally, metabolism is stimulated, and the production of detoxifying enzymes in the body may increase.


It is important to note that fasting may not be suitable for everyone, and it is advisable to seek medical or naturopathic advice before embarking on a fasting regimen, especially if experiencing certain health issues or taking regular medications. Additionally, fasting should be avoided under certain conditions, such as during pregnancy, eating disorders, or severe health problems.


Overall, fasting can be an effective method of detoxifying the body, offering not only physical but also mental and spiritual benefits. However, it is important to fast responsibly and under guidance to minimize potential risks and achieve the best results.