welcome to naturheilpraxis ten in stadt st.gallen - hinterberg

Discover your constitution. Explore our variety of healing methods. Begin your journey to health today.


Natural health practitioner

Traditional European Naturopathy

Phone: 076 245 12 75


recognized by supplementary insurance for alternative medicine - emr label

Your path to inner strength and vitality.

Welcome to the Natural Healing Practice in the Hinterberg District in St. Gallen! Here, you'll experience personalized care, and I am your empathetic guide on the journey to greater well-being. In an atmosphere of mindfulness and respect, I take the time to address your individual needs. Discover the healing power of nature in an environment tailored to enhance your well-being. Your journey towards inner balance and natural harmony begins here – in my practice, where you are the focal point.


In the therapy offerings of my Traditional European Naturopathy (TEN) practice, I provide a wide range of holistic treatments to promote the well-being of my patients, including:




Contact us today to discuss your concerns and find out if our practice is the right choice for you.


Natural Heealing Practice Hinterberg

Naturopath TEN Danijela Vaterlaus

Lehnhaldenstrasse 20

9014 St. Gallen

Tel. 076 245 12 75

Mail: danijela_js@hotmail.com