mannea - Holistic Hormonal Massage: Wellness for Both Men and Women naturheilpraxis st.gallen hinterberg

Welcome to the world of Holistic Health Massage – a unique therapy that accompanies women through all stages of life, from the blossoming youth to the mature fullness of menopause.

Holistic Health Massage Mannea is distinguished by its gentle approach and draws its strength from the teachings of the Creative Healing Method by Joseph B. Stephenson (1874-1956). As experienced naturopathic practitioners in St. Gallen, we understand the significance of these holistic approaches.

Holistic Health Massage is not exclusively for women but also suitable for men and children. The procedure begins with a compassionate conversation, followed by a detox and pelvic treatment while sitting. Subsequently, the front of the body is treated on the massage table, focusing particularly on the abdominal and pelvic areas.

The treatment includes reflex zones, organ stimulation, abdominal work, and even repositioning of the uterus and bladder through reflex zones and osteopathy-like maneuvers. As experienced naturopathic practitioners in St. Gallen, we also integrate naturopathic elements to enhance the therapy's effectiveness.

The frequency of treatments depends on individual needs and symptoms – from menstrual pain to fertility issues and menopausal complaints. Regardless of the discomfort you may be experiencing, Holistic Women's Health Massage can be used as a standalone therapy or as a complement to conventional medical treatment for a variety of concerns. From hormonal imbalances to digestive issues – Holistic Women's Health Massage opens doors to holistic well-being. In our naturopathy practice in St. Gallen, in the heart of the city, we invite you to experience the transformative power of Holistic Women's Health Massage. Schedule your appointment now for a holistic experience with our experienced naturopathic practitioners in St. Gallen.